Dragonfire's Blog


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25 Tips To A Better Life

1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.

2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Buy a lock if you have to.

3. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement,
‘My purpose is to __________ today.’

4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.

5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, salmon, broccoli and almonds.

6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.

7. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.

9 Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.

10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

11. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

12. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

13. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.

14. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: ‘In five years, will this matter?’

17. Forgive everyone for everything.

18. What other people think of you is none of your business.

19. WHOMEVER YOU CALL GOD OR GODDESS heals everything.

20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

21. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

23. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements:
I am thankful for __________. Today I accomplished _________.

24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.

25. Forward this to the ones you care about the most. I did.

Life Is A Sugar Coated Dream (Part 3)

Life is A sugar coated dream Part 3


Why is it in this day and age…. Men have to ask women out? Why can’t a woman ask a man out for a change. YOU JUST DONT SEE IT. Why is it that women don’t do what men do. They don’t stare and say, wow… wouldn’t i love to fuck that? They keep these dark secrets to themselves which leads men to believe either to not bother or to look for a needle in a haystack of glory while trying to get your number knowing you really want to give it but, you play hard to get like we need it. If women played the I like you card and men stopped, meeting women wouldn’t be a fucking hassle. I love it when you meet this nice girl in a bar, you like her and all and think mad and wonderful thing you can do to her/with her…. She smiles at ya, she thanks you for buying them drinks, their thinking 16 different things they would love to ask you, last call comes in… and its a cheerful but blushing bye… FUNNY!


You know what, if you fantasize about someone male or female. Taken or not, Why not give someone the benefit of the doubt. I mean ladies, If you Liked me or just wanted sex with me, why don’t you just flat out say it and not beat around the bush. You never know, you might get what you ask for cheerfully. Or maybe, you might get a response oh a flattering notion and might be a closer friend to that person. Yet, When men think of this and want to say all that, we are considered assholes and gross or sex fiends. Sex is in all of our natures… We fantasize of lots of different situations. I am mostly criminal to that I HAVE THE BALLS TO ADMIT IT TOO! Women do it mostly but…. u know.. I mean, if a woman flat out goes to a man after a fantasizing moment, MEN ACCEPT WITHOUT QUESTION. But, men to women… HAHAHAHAHA…
Just last week, I was at a bar and saw a few friends… Women for that matter. I’ll tell ya something, a mind is a tricky fucking thing when you look at a girl you liked back them and all of a sudden, your in a daze or daydream of all the things you would enjoy doing with them then, The glass shatters in the background and your back to reality wondering if you really should have said sxomething or thought of it. Then later in life, a woman you know will talk about what she wishes she would have done back then and you sit back and just want to shoot yourself in the head for never saying anything. (men to women, women to men.. Vise Versa)


Ink was meant to express religion, or what one loves, or whatever. I love when people go out and get a meaningless tattoo just to look cool and later in life… Regret it. Like me for instance… I got tattoos for my love for dragons. LADIES, if you have a dragon tattoo on your body, it for some reason turns me on and yet, i don’t understand why. Maybe its because of the fact you share the same feeling and it was noticed… But, i just love when people get meaningless tattoos to look cool or be in the crowd. Make your first choice your best one or pay for it later in life with laser surgery…. (no offense Mike)


I just wanna touch on this subject. There is a person in mention on my mind i am referencing this to… Or a few. But, for now… Just one. I am stating this because I used to be an old friend to this person. This person transformed into someone she isn’t… I’m not saying names but, you’ll know its you when you read this. Back then, you were normal. Just a cool kid on the block. After years of school and group changing… You changed. After all that time, the last time I saw you, I was disgusted. Was in love with you when we were young but, after seeing you at that time, You turned out to be that type of person you just wanted to punch in the mouth and ask what the fuck was wrong with you. from normal, you changed your hair color, got colored contacts to make your eyes brighter, hung out with preps to be cool, go to bars EVERYDAY to get DRUNK and meet men to IMMEDIATELY have sex with or to tease and taunt and then walk away. Many of us have changed in our own way for better, you are on the other hand going down a road in which you will learn that having that much fun has its consequences. Drugs do not help either… As of present, I now and then check up on you on here and notice you are getting worse. When is enough enough? When you have a child by a father who is unknown? Why not go out once in awhile to meet someone but, not try so fucking hard as to being a whore to do it while drunk. You are not the person I used to know and I feel sorryer for you everyday. I’m sorry but, someone had to say it, Might as well be me becausein technicality, after childhood, you befriended me for preppy assholes who just wanted to get in your pants and technically, I am not hurt of you hate me for it or not, its my nature. But anyways.. I hate women like this. The other people out there UNMENTIONED are almost exactly the same, I can name so many but, i’m not gonna. I hate women who think their all that and their not. They have multiple children by multiple fathers and are still in their dating life, divorced looking to be married again, etc. LOSERS. And yet, I used to be friends these people. Now, I am a shadow in their realm of darkness because I choose to be. I will never ever talk out in person like I do out here. Typing is so much easier and more heartfelt. But, next time you see me and i’m more in my silence than speaking, YOU ALL WILL KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I AM THINKING (THE WOMEN MENTIONED ON THIS PARAGRAPH AND THINK THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE)

There may be more I might go into about this to add to its length so, who knows 🙂


Life Is A Sugar Coated Dream (Part 2)


OK, i don’t know about you but… Ever play the NJ lottery or wherever you might be from?!?! Do you know you have a 1 in 99,000 chance of hitting it big. They say $1 and a dream, BULLSHIT…. After about $100,000 later and maybe 80 years old, you tend to realize to give up spending money on that shit and more on your grandkids….
Some people online these days sell programs to HELP hit the lottery weather it be pick 3 or mega millions. People state true and false that it actually works. The downfall is, you have to play their system which in total is about $40 a day and you might hit one… (pick 3 or 4 that is) It might not even be worth to get the shit pay in the longrun if you happen to finally hit it 5 days later.. YAY u get your money back….


This is some more bullshit. Why is it that THE OLD PEOPLE win it big but, not the young people. Well, Because they send the BIG MONEY lottery packs to old people towns… This way if an older person wins, They won’t live long to spend it all… Especially Win For Life. Now if one of us won one of those… DAMN. Once in a blue you might see a young winner. Lately, its been old people and old gamblers trying to get their money back. Also, notice that inorder to win, you have to buy at least 10 scratch offs to win once… 1 in 10… Not a good deal to me for a lousy $2 winner. The largest I ever hit was $200…. whatever.


Ok, like the old saying. Opinions are like assholes and everyone has got one. The only reason I am even touching this subject is due to the fact…. I love when people send comments about what I write. I HATE when people push some buttons like they should get their 5 cents. 1 email from myspace stated the following…:

wow yo uare really a miserable person aren’t you – I think you need to go get your self a massage and let your wonderful lady fill your life with some happiness!! money is’nt everything. love is…….and you have that 🙂

you two are still together right?

SEE ABOVE… This is what I mean, If your going to comment and add a nice story to add to my list, GO FOR IT…. If not and you write above what this person wrote….. U get the hint. I am far from miserable, I feel as if I am IN HELL and the devil gives me things to make me happy and then decides at his will, to take certain things away to make life a little more harder to deal with. Like it was a big fucking joke or something…. Massages don’t cheer me up, this is for the guys BLOW JOBS DO! If you don’t like my comments and wish to nitpick your opinions as if you are right, YOU CAN BLOW ME. Money is Everything… Why?!?! How the fuck are you supposed to live without it?! It pays bills, food, enjoyment, housing, etc. MONEY IS LIFE. Oh, and MY WONDERFUL LADY is turning into a HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE. I’m looking for closure and am GETTING NOWHERE BECAUSE SOME WOMEN ARE FUCKING IDIOTS. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate her but, Like I had said to a few friends today, She is starting to be like that Gnat burrowing on my backside, creating an infectious wart thats 6 inches long, and 1 foot high if you get my drift. Talking gets me nowhere. And so, I DEAL WITH IT….

So, let’s recap on the opinions…:

1. If you got something good to say, Your welcome to drop an email.
2. If you think your opinion of my life matters to me, It doesn’t and like as before BLOW ME…



How the hell do so many companies make money on a product that is the same. Coke, Pepsi, Shasta, Pathmark, Walmart, etc… ITS FUCKING SODA PEOPLE. All different prices for the same product… There really is no taste different but, these people make MILLIONS ON IT…. Shit, I should make my own soda or COLA and drop my name on it, maybe i’ll make millions or shit for it too.


Why does it have to be a fuckin pig?!?! Why not a moose, dog, cow, horse, or whatever animal is cool. Why did the fucking pig get all the credit?!!? An animal that rolls in his own shit, piss, and mud and they make a bank out of him. Not even that, The pig is not even the BIGGEST animal…. But, they make this animal THE BANK. Why the hell aren’t the banks set out to look like PIGS… Wachoinkia Bank, PIGS Bank, Pigs On The Summit Bank, etc…
A bank is a bank, no matter how you slice it.


They say that you must take prescription medicine (If needed) to help or aid in making you feel good. What the doctors don’t say is… “Well, it will cure your headache but, will give you diareah, vomiting, dizziness, constipation, and sexual frustration.” Oh, yeah, CURE ME BITCH! I don’t really want the headache but, the rest don’t sound all that bad… FUCK YOU… If a medication is supposed to sustain you or make you feel better, why is it that it does more harm to you than most…. ?


This is a funny subject and yet, they blame it ALL ON US…. Know who’s fault this all is? The fucking stupid inventors of CD WRITERS… AND DVD WRITERS. If you guys don’t want us to copy things or whatever have you, take the fucking machines off the market. That will stop everyone in their tracks immediately unless… You are like albert einstein or some shit and have the tools to make that shit in your house. Also, 2nd fault after the WRITERS WERE MADE are the programmers who made the P2P sites… Where you can download all of this shit. USA really cares huh?? What the fuck they doin about this problem… NOT A DAMN THING… and why, because the sites are still there. If you don’t want your shit to get pirated, DONT SELL IT! Make a damn movie, Keep it in the fucking theater… You make a music album?!?! The fucking radio is sufficient, not more than 3% of us really have tape players/recorders anyways.

Beer, Cigarettes, and Drugs…

If it’s not good for you, will kill you, and the like.. WHY ARE THEY WIDELY AVAILABLE… Beer… You can get it anywhere, drink it anywhere, get fucked up anywhere, get DUI, GET LIVER POISONING… Yet, they say don’t drink and drive. Well then fuckers, don’t have fucking bars with AMPLE PARKING… Idiots… Cigarettes…. May cause lung cancer, and all that shit. STILL ON SALE THOUGH, Marlboro had cowboy commercials, 80% are dead already and the other 20% have emphaseema and take pictures to be on their advertisements because they cant do commercials. Drugs… WIDELY AVAILABLE… AND ILLEGAL… Yet, you can go to any street corner to find em, to get your high, to kill ya, and the like. Add Alcohol for a better affect and maybe a cig after it and your combination is tripled. The government and bush wants us to use these things so he could iradicate population control… Kinda makes me wonder that we live in the age of this movie I saw…. DEMOLITION MAN….


I’m not gonna go too deep into this. Don’t wanna be mean. They should legalize all marriage under whatever catagory you are. And why is it when 2 women kiss, GUYS GET OFF but, when 2 men kiss WOMEN SAY EEWWW!?!? Why is not disgusting for 2 women to have sex, eat chach, suck boobs, and all that shit but, its disgusting to see mark and paul blow each other, anal rape each other, and suck on quarter sized nipples for fun???


Ok, I’m not against it whatsoever but.. In the life we are living now, its not just the basic creeds anymore so I notice. Like you have whites, blacks, asians, Hindus, etc.. right?

Now.. its different times from 10 years ago.. Check out the list below

White African Americans?
Chinese African Americans?
Korean Indians?
Cocoa Colored Americans?
Columbian Indian?
Spanish White Man?
Spanish Japanese Man?

Do you get this life? We were all made technically the same but with different creeds but, when you mix us together, you get a new breed of a person. Almost like gene splicing… Funny Huh? Like if you were able to mix a human with a dog… What would you get? A human with floppy ears that begs for food and licks his balls? How bout a mouse with a human? Would the human come out with mouse like features, like cheese, and shit pebbles??!?!



Life Is A Sugar Coated Dream (Part 1)

Yes, there is 3 parts to this blog.  Just my belief in general.  Comments Welcome!

I realize now life is sugar coated dream PART 1

Thats right…. Just as stated above. I sit here and the words just come to me for me to write for all of my friends, rejects, spam, bands, assholes, and more….

Life is just a sugar coated dream. Here’s what I mean in just some of the catagories listed below…


For instance… Women… The 20% of the loyal ones are so hard to find that you nearly have to pull teeth to meet. 30% more of these women are drop dead gorgeous, want money preferrable YOURS, and want to be wined and dined for whatever stealing pleasures that have for using you. 20% more of these women are so overly obese that you are afraid they’ll never change because they believe life sucks, so keep eating or they have found their ben and jerry’s soul mate. The remaining 30% of the women left over seem to be nice as the 20% of the loyal ones BUT, after being with them for the shortest time, you come to find out they have mental issues and need more care to feel loved because they are so insecure of their own life.


Why do you think they have profiles online… THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THEM 90% of the time. They can’t get any in the real world so, they go online to find their match.


Why is it that the less fortunate struggle every damn day to make ends meet but the rich people BY FAMILY are so well organized that they basically don’t deserve the money in the world when others deserve a chance.

For instance, we’ll take 3 people. 3 regular jobs, paying bills, gas, all utilities, apartment and all. Have about $4000 in credit card debt each and are struggling everyday for $300 a week. People like us want to start businesses and be successful but, to no avail. Banks will not help, micro lenders care less, the SBA only gives out loans to either the Masters degree holders or minority businesses that hardly exist in this god forsaken land we call the USA which President Bush seems to be ruining while taking it in the ass by Dick Cheney. Saving money is a bitch because of all the bills that have to be paid, at the end of the month, your lucky you get to place $20 in the bank after all the BS of the USA.

Now… let’s go into the fortunate people….

For instance, we will take 3 more people. 3 people who have a rich family, get everything they ever wanted. A lexus, a house, all the food they can eat, money to spend on EXPENSIVE shit that you or I seem that we can buy 10 of the cheaper and be happy because name brands are not a big deal, they get stocks, bonds, etc. They also got to go to school on mom and dad money for which we may never afford and have either HIGH CLASS JOBS, or mom and day gives them a huge check for money to open a business with unlimited access to this money to grow. These 3 people can also get loans at any bank, micro lender, no need for the SBA, and more. These same fuckers later can afford their $10,000 credit bills, $600,000 condo, and more while the less fortunate suffer.


And now, the best part… Let’s take 300 more people. We will name then MEXICANS. They do not pay TAXES which means more money, they overgrow in the thousands after wiring money to their family in guadalupe or whatever have you, send more of these fuckers out to the USA and take honest jobs away from us less fortunate people. At first, they only took shit jobs like landscaping… Then, as of present so I’m noticing… Cook jobs, building jobs, demolition jobs, more landscaping jobs, waiters, computer analysts, dog groomers, retail associates that cant speak a fucking word of english or know what they are doing, etc. These are same fuckers that are in the less fortunate catagory for getting their green cards, credit cards, and loans but… The have an apartment with garbage beds and shit pulled from the street, they drink corona everyday till they piss it, party like fucking tostito rockers, sit on your street corner to steal your jobs, and waste their money they don’t deserve. The same fuckers also take oour american flag, turn it upside down on the pole and place their fucking casa bonita flag in the air as if they own our AMERICA.

ok… now the next subject!!


Why is it that a person or persons attempt to buy a legit business an yet fail so horribly. Get rich quick schemes are for the dumbasses that believe it will work. Place pyramid schemes in there too. You buy their product, they walk away with your $30 and you now have to defend yourself on the internet with no avail of help. Who’s getting rich. The same assholes that wrote the scheme.

How bout this. Ebay… People sell established websites for more money than its worth. They state that the site has 100000 members and they bring in over $30,000 a month. Why are you selling the business then? To me, making money is a good thing, if the money stops then give it up. Yet, they sell this site for thousands of dollars and if you are the lucky fucker that wins it….. You are now stuck with a problem like no other. After all the costs of upkeep and NO BUSINESS OR CUSTOMERS, you end off being a pissed off monkey….

How bout these assholes on your myspace that spam your comment box to DO A SURVEY AND WIN A PLASMA, Test our products, just sign up for an offer…

This is another bullshit gag. You want to get a free 42″ plasma. You go to their site and answer the YES and NO questions of their survey of signups for like 2 hours…. Then, the site states to sign up for a copper, silver, and gold offer and you’ll get the plasma. After doing this, they make literally $600 or more off of you for the offers and all that clicking you did to promote their google and yahoo that they might just send the offer… in 4 to 6 months.


Ever notice on those competing sites that you win once in a blue but, lose your money more horribly then hell. I can tell ya why… Hex programs. People have the ability to download or make a hex program that can mess with the scores in javascript, html, flash, or whatever have you and make the money. I know because I was not only a player but, I was one of those people who tested it out to see if it was true and BY GOLLY IT WAS and STILL IS. The sites state they have an anti cheat program but, its all lies. I’ve done it more than 60 times in a day and still won… no ifs, ands, or buts..

How bout ONLINE POKER… This is a good one. If you are criminal to online poker as some of us are, and you lose more than you win but, last year you were able to beat 70% of the people, there is a problem. There is a program out called Poker Spy 2.0. The program is $179.99. It works on mostly ALL of the poker sites and reveals everybody’s hand in the game in play. You then can look and bet wiseley and win lots more money than you ever could. GO FUCKING FIGURE

POGO.com.. They give away jackpots to DRONES to make money and get customers, MOST OF THE WINNERS HAVE NO PROFILE NOR ARE EVEN ON POGO… You make billions of tokens though for maybe a once in awhile $10 prize you have to hang a bowling ball from your balls to get.

Surveys for profit. OH I MADE $10,000 My frist 6 months. FUCK YOU…. Most survey sites online pay between $1 and $5 on occasion if you are qualified to get through their 1 hour survey, if not.. You get a crappy online scratchoff ticket for a crappy couple points for a prize you’ll never get. Most of the time, its A CHANCE to win $10,000 but, usually there is multiple winners and you end up getting only a mere $1 for your trial.

Stay online and make money… MORE BS… These companies usually pay a maximum of $30 a month of time online. and, if you don’t consistently qlick on their window while online, the pay to be surfing deactivates because they need a click every 2 minutes.


Hello world!

lol Hello World!

Ok, so WordPress pre-writes this stuff.  Well, ok..  Hi!  I am Anthony A.K.A. Dragonfire.  Welcome to my blog!  If you haven’t read the about me page or if it was not clear enough well, I am a 31 year old male living in New Jersey.  I enjoy writing about whatever comes to mind weather it be my dreams, realities, life, advertising things I love, critisizing things or people I hate, etc.  I just have one of those minds that just thinks of anything and everything and would love to share those parts of my life with the world.  Remember, Comments & Suggestions are always welcome.  If you read my stuff and have a subject you think I might be interested in blogging about, By all means SEND IT TO ME.  :0)

Happy Reading!
